Saturday, December 1, 2012


It's been a long time since I've blogged. Here it is. Been doing well with weight loss, but I have felt that I need a boost. Serendipity brought me a Womens Health article about Lichi Super Fruit and Natural Green Cleanse. Apparently the two of them together make it possible to lose up to 20 pounds in two weeks. I did A LOT of research and it seems promising. I am set to get the stuff in the mail on Tuesday, and it was less than $10 for the two weeks trial of both products. Will post every couple days about my progress :);
There's the link. Expires today!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 Day Shred (losing my shell)

<p>Did my third day of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. (from here on out we'll call it 30ds) For those of you that do not know, its a workout dvd that is based on the circuit training idea. 3 minutes cardio, 2 minutes strength and one minute abs. Its hard as hell, but I love it.

Had to pick up a few days later. Ahh, yes the 30ds. Glad that I have the digital copy on Amazon so I can watch it on my tab at the hotel. (I'll try to do the jumping jacks quietly) maybe I'll add a little yoga workout. I'm finally okay with saying I'm proud of myself. I've stuck to this eating well thing for quite a while now. No fast food, unless it's Sonic in Great Falls according to Emily. And I've shown myself that I really am capable of doing the kickass workouts I've wanted to do(even if it's in my living room with me cursing and sweating) I've lost 20 pounds, and did Bloomsday with my personal best time. I'm wearing pants I wasn't even able to button two years ago. I feel better, and hell-look better too. I'm actually quite enjoying challenging myself in new ways. To show myself I still have it, what I thought I had lost was in fact just buried under 20 lbs of yuck. Might not sound like much to some people, but for me its just the beginning of my journey. I can't wait to see what the next few months will bring. I am excited to marry the man I love, the one who brings out the best in me and deals with the worst of me. (maybe that should go in the vows) I'm stoked to be joined with Cory until we're old and gray, and beyond. I've finally decided I'm able to come to terms with a few things in my life; there are things that will never change, no matter how much I worry or try to help. There are people that must be forgiven, no matter how much it hurts, it will heal with time. There are people who should never be forgotten, whether historical figure, family, or a friend. Every opportunity presented to better myself, learn more about my trade, or learn a different point of view should be taken. Alright, now I shall go off to dream land, I'm thinking of Transformers meets Magic Mike. Hahahah. Until next time...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I'm relatively new to this whole thing. I thought...when they told me 3 years ago that I knew what Gluten Free was. Turns out, there's a lot more to this than I know. Let me back up a little. I had my colonoscopy  and endoscopy about two weeks ago. I found out what the hell is wrong with me. (or at least digestively) I have Celiac Disease. 
The long and short of it...I eat wheat (or Barley, or Rye or...) I get sick. People I've talked to so far are saying "Gah, what will you eat? Rabbit Food?" Turns out, there are a lot of options. Some store bought and some home made. 
So, when the doctor was listing off all the things I am no longer allowed to have...It felt like a death sentence. I have to read every label on EVERYTHING. Peanut butter can have gluten in it. (Say What!?) I went to Albertson's and spent almost an hour reading labels. Sheesh. I ended up just buying chicken and vegetables. Pretty safe right?
I am looking forward to trying new recipes to find more options of other tasty things. It's been almost two entire weeks of absolutely no gluten. It's not as hard as I thought and my brain is getting a workout at the grocery store. 
This is a link to some of the stuff I deal with due to Celiac disease. Hopefully, by sticking to my diet...I won't have some of the really bad stuff. It is so nice to finally have an explanation of all the Sh*t that's been happening to my body. 
On a different note, I ordered the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm excited to get it from Amazon and take my workouts up a notch. I'm loving the workouts on Thedailyburn, but got a screamin' deal on the DVD and  weight set. Yay! I will try to post every couple of days to show my progress. I've already lost 20 pounds and tons of inches. Can't wait to see more. Who knows...maybe I'll post the photos of my progress. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pretty in Pink

I sit here, watching Pretty in Pink, wishing I could sleep. I'm soooo nervous for my colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow. That's right. I'm 26 and I have to get both of these awful things done tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be fine. I hope that if something is found, that it is fixable. Shmeh. I'll just take a deep breath and say "butter". Thanks Liz. :)
I had been slacking on my started with throwing my back out terribly bad, then wedding stuff. A few too many excuses, I say. I've started back into it, slowly but surely. On the bright side, I have not gained any weight or inches back, actually still lost a few more pounds. Yay me! (have to enjoy the small victories in life.) I've signed up through They give me meal ideas, workouts and access to trainers. (some of which are quite sexy!) The yoga is fun and I actually break a that normal?
Every time I blog, I remember why I do so-it actually relaxes me, gets everything that is on my mind out there.  I am really loving my job-nay-my career. I love making people feel special and beautiful. I forget sometimes what it feels like to sit in a stylists chair, hoping that their capable hands will make you look and feel like a rock star. I am now that stylist, I have that capability and every day I learn something new. I love having people call and ask for me to do their hair. Why yes, I would love to :) I am so happy that I chose to do something that makes me smile every day.
Now for the big W. The wedding. Gah. I'm so close yet so far. Every time I mark something off my checklist it seems like there's more on there. The invitations are almost all addressed and ready to send. Yay! I still need to get the boys down to get fitted for tuxes. My dress....Ahhhhhhh my dresssssssss.....I cannot wait to wear it and feel like a princess. It's one thing many girls dream of their whole life. Decorations are coming together, I'm still figuring out exactly what I want to do.
Ok. Now I'm really going to try even harder to go to sleep. My stomach is reminding me that I haven't eaten solid food all day. hahahhahaa. Bleh.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I still haven't lost lbs....but yesterday while I was getting ready, Cory pointed out all my new "skinnier spots" I made him promise that he wasn't just being nice. :) I had amazing workouts yesterday and Tuesday, two of my personal bests, and hit my own goals. I've officially decided that even if I don't lose lbs. I feel great and I'm proud of myself no matter what. Lets assume for now that I'm building muscle and losing fat. I even turned down Taco Bell, which is hard but I've been doing so well in the no fast food dept. :) Took the day off today from working out, my ankle has been giving me hell. But I'll be back at it tomorrow! For now...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I haven't been losing weight, even though I'm working out and eating healthy. I'm going to keep pushing because I do not want to be a chubby bride.
On a side note, I'm tired of listening to people pick on things other people like. Ie: Twilight, if you don't like it that's fine with me, just leave me the hell alone. I don't pick on people for liking Star Wars or Indiana Jones, not  that they're bad movies, they just aren't my thing.
So....I WILL keep working out, even if nothing happens, at least I can say I tried!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

805 Calories! What!

Trying to find the motivation to leave the cozy house with my coffee to drive in freezing rain and go workout. It's quite the toss up. Will & Grace + Coffee or Coldness + nasty roads. On Monday, I worked out twice...elliptical and treadmill plus upper body weight lifting. This girl burned 805 calories. YUP. That's right :)
I'm stoked to start seeing more results. I have more workout buddies too! Maybe I can convince one of them to join me this morning. On a side note....Deann got good news from the DR. Her cancer is in remission! Can't wait to see her at 100% again, not that the cancer ever slowed her down. Thank God for this great news :)
Til next time....

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gym time

<p>&lt;p&gt;I joined back up at the Y this last week, a few workouts on the bike so far. Loving the hot tub after the workouts. Hard to stay motivated when my bed is so cozy on cold winter mornings, not to mention the foot plus of snow we got in the last 24 hours... Do not want to get stuck or in a wreck. Back at it tomorrow! Hopefully.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Almost slacking

Did the flirty girl video again today. I will be soooore. However, I don't think I look quite as sexy as the lady on tv is telling me to be :-) It's amazing how fast 45 minutes goes by when you're dancing though! Hopefully this weekend has decent weather too, I wanna drag Cory up to the hot springs... Workout and relaxation! Have a fantastic weekend all!