Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I'm relatively new to this whole thing. I thought...when they told me 3 years ago that I knew what Gluten Free was. Turns out, there's a lot more to this than I know. Let me back up a little. I had my colonoscopy  and endoscopy about two weeks ago. I found out what the hell is wrong with me. (or at least digestively) I have Celiac Disease. 
The long and short of it...I eat wheat (or Barley, or Rye or...) I get sick. People I've talked to so far are saying "Gah, what will you eat? Rabbit Food?" Turns out, there are a lot of options. Some store bought and some home made. 
So, when the doctor was listing off all the things I am no longer allowed to have...It felt like a death sentence. I have to read every label on EVERYTHING. Peanut butter can have gluten in it. (Say What!?) I went to Albertson's and spent almost an hour reading labels. Sheesh. I ended up just buying chicken and vegetables. Pretty safe right?
I am looking forward to trying new recipes to find more options of other tasty things. It's been almost two entire weeks of absolutely no gluten. It's not as hard as I thought and my brain is getting a workout at the grocery store. 
This is a link to some of the stuff I deal with due to Celiac disease. Hopefully, by sticking to my diet...I won't have some of the really bad stuff. It is so nice to finally have an explanation of all the Sh*t that's been happening to my body. 
On a different note, I ordered the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm excited to get it from Amazon and take my workouts up a notch. I'm loving the workouts on Thedailyburn, but got a screamin' deal on the DVD and  weight set. Yay! I will try to post every couple of days to show my progress. I've already lost 20 pounds and tons of inches. Can't wait to see more. Who knows...maybe I'll post the photos of my progress. 

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